What is a Pip in Forex?

The Decimals are called Pips. they can be 3 or 4 decimal places. This Quote says 17.1433 -
the "1433" decimals are pips. so one pip is 0.0001, two pips are 0.0002, three pips are 0.0003. 
on the above quote our pips are 0.1433 - do not count the number before the decimal sign. 


Pip "percentage in point" is the small price move that an exchange rate can make based on forex market convention. Most currency pairs are priced out to four decimal places and the pip change is the last four

the movement when a currency gains or loses value in comparison to another currency is measured in pips. pip is fractional percentage. it shows how far a currency has lose or gained value.

If EUR/USD moves from 1.1053 to 1.1054, that .0001 USD rise in value is ONE PIP.
A pip is usually the last decimal place of a price quote. Most pairs go out to 4 decimal places, but there are some exceptions like Japanese yen pairs (they go out to two decimal places).
For example, for EUR/USD, it is 0.0001, and for USD/JPY, it is 0.01.

 if decimals are 5, the 5th decimal it is a fraction of a pip